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10 years and counting...
Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

10 years and counting...

Where has 10 years gone?

We've been in business for over a decade now and during those years we have spoken to hundreds of people, typed millions of words and issued reams of press releases.

No project is ever the same as the last.

The variety and scope of work we do for our clients, many of whom have been with us from the start or for a considerable number of years, is always changing, which means it never gets boring.

We've kept some matters out of the public eye and pushed great stories to the media, ranging from contract wins, to mergers, to human interest and huge, nationally important projects. We've organised media interviews, found interesting opportunities for our clients, liaised with Government officials, celebrities and local personalities - and we've met some great people along the way. In fact, there isn't much that has happened across South Yorkshire, that we haven't been part of in some form.

Today, I've been lucky enough to talk to some new contacts, and I hope they can join our PR family as we continue through the next years of our journey in PR.

If you want to join us and see how we can work with you to transform your business profile, or help you out of a difficult spot, give us a call...